A Day in the Life of a Virtual Assistant

A Day in the Life of a Virtual Assistant
“Virtual assistant” or “VA” is a new concept to many. I wasn’t aware that Virtual Assistants even existed until I started working for one such person. I certainly didn’t ever think I would be a VA. It just happened.
Starting on a new journey in my life was a rather daunting challenge as I had no prior knowledge of exactly how it all worked. At the same time as I advanced into a VA, I moved out of my parents’ house. This in itself was pretty scary. All I could think of at that time was that I needed to find a job and as it was necessary to pay rent and other expenses, I thought I would take any decent job I could find.
This all meant that I was forced out of my comfort zone. I recall the difficult times when I moved from job to job trying to find my niche. It was unquestionably challenging! I am however, so pleased that this opportunity came my way because I’ve learned a whole lot!
No matter how difficult the task is, no matter how stressful your day turns out to be, or how busy you get, at the end of the day something new was learnt. You will be amazed that you have accomplished something you never thought possible.

I thought to give an example of a day in my life so as to better understand exactly what a VA does:

  • When working a 9-5 corporate job, your early morning consists of racing around the house trying to get showered and changed while eating breakfast on the go to ensure that you are not late. Working from home, on the other hand, is a little more relaxed. There is no need for an alarm clock wake up, rather a natural awakening with the sunrise. Dependent on my energy levels at the time of my waking, I may choose to either snooze a little longer or take my dog for a walk before my working day begins.
  • There is always time to enjoy a shower, breakfast and a cup of coffee. I rarely wake up properly without a cup of coffee!
  • It is then time to start planning the day, noting what requires attention first and what needs to be done a little later in the day. Working from home requires discipline and organisation, it is exceptionally important or you can easily be distracted and before long it is late, you’ve done everything possible except your VA work.
  • I always first check my emails to see if there is anything urgently required, because the important work gets priority. Thereafter I have time to write blogs, post to social media for clients, and do editing and research specific topics as per my clients. I make phone calls and do all the other little tasks afterwards.
  • At lunch time I prepare lunch and go outside for some fresh air, clear my head and give my eyes a break from the online screen and do some stretches which gets my circulation going again, as I do get stiff when sitting for too long. It is rather important to remember to move around during your work day. See some stretches here.
  • After lunch I return to my desk and continue working again completing the work for the day before retiring. On quieter days I often take the afternoon time to run some errands and go to the shops.
  • My work day usually ends around 5, unless I have a work deadline. Once I have finished my work day I would take a quick break before I start preparing dinner.


A day in the life of a VA is a varied one and as you realize you need to be an organized person who is time conscious. I do love my job and feel very blessed to be able to work as a VA.